South Bay ARC

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- South Bay ARC
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Joseph M. Lanphen WB6MYD
- Daytime Phone:
- (310) 874-0382
- Evening Phone:
- (310) 328-0817
- Email:
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Feb 06th 2024
- Meeting Time:
- 3rd Thursday Monthly at 7:30 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Torrance Memorial Medical Center - Health Conference Center. Now on ZOOM. Check with jmlanphen@gmail
- Section:
- Affiliation Date:
- May 13th 1977
- Specialties:
- Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, School or Youth Group, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Club Newsletter, Hamfest, License Test Sessions, Mentor, On-The-Air Bulletins, Repeater
- Description:
Update: February 6, 2024 for the South Bay Amateur Radio Club
South Bay Amateur Radio Club-W6SBA was founded 1972
Our monthly meetings on the 3rd Thursday continues to well attended at this time. However, all our meetings have been via Zoom. Torrance Memorial Medical Center, our usual meeting location, has had and still has restricted access to all their facilities for out side groups. No new members joined our group for the 2023 club year. The number of SK members were 2 and, due to economic conditions, we saw us loose about 2 due to relocation requirements. Membership is mostly senior and aren't as active for reasons we all know to well.
Our major events during the year continues to be Field Day. While this to has changed, home station operation is te order of the day for FD. Public Service, we provided support to the city of Torrance with its annual Armed Forces Parade. In the mean time, our Delegate to the LA Area Council of Amateur Radio Club provides information about the Southern CA area clubs. Including our ARRL SW Div Director Dick-N6AA provide us up todate information about activities in our area.
We continue to support the Palos Verdes Unified School District in their Emergency Communication effort by providing better coverage for the communication exercises by providing access to our repeater. We furthermore wish to increase our support for our local ARES and DCS groups by activily supporting that effort. We actively participate with both groups and support recruiting efforts for them.
We are able to provide VE testing sessions at this time on a monthly basis. Our monthly test sessions, on the last Saturday of each month, from 10am to 12pms at the Northrop/Grumman campus inn Redondo Beach. Location is off Marine Ave in Redondo Beach. The support by the TRW Amateur Radio Club providing the facility for this monthly testing is greatly appreciated. A public image is also maintained by the South Bay ARC attending our local Ham swap meet on a monthly basis at this same campus. The schools are being supported with balloon projects and other scientific projects. Public information is provided by our publicity member on public websites and such.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all our meetings are via Zoom. We had found a location for in person meetings, however, due to a high cost for 2023 by this facility, we will need to look for another location for this. Very little progress from Torrance Memorial Medical Center in providing us access to their faciliity is expected for the near future. Everytime the hospital appears to be opening up, another increase in public contagious decease spikes. Resulting in no not yet.
We have formed a team in conjuction with LAX ARES South to preparing to provide Emergency Communications for whatever needs the local Hospitals might have a disaster. Emphasis is on digital communications, progress is slow, but we will work with our ARES team here.
- Links:
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 58
- Voting Members:
- 55
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 57
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 45
South Bay ARC Officers
Contact, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President
Joseph M. Lanphen WB6MYD -
Scott A. Simpson N6LEM -
Glenda R. Simpson KF6QFE