Wayne County Amateur Radio Club

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Wayne County Amateur Radio Club
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Robert P. Pieroway WA2YLY
- Daytime Phone:
- (570) 390-4043
- Evening Phone:
- (570) 390-4043
- Email:
- wcarc@w3aro.org
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Aug 06th 2021
- Meeting Time:
- Last Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Cordaro's Restaurant 186 Grandview Ave., Honesdale PA. 18431
- Section:
- Affiliation Date:
- Mar 10th 2015
- Specialties:
- Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, School or Youth Group, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, License Test Sessions, Mentor
- Description:
The Wayne County Amateur Radio Club is organized as an Unincorporated Association in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The WCARC is organized exclusively for scientific and educational purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future Federal tax code.
The WCARC will engage in the following scientific and educational activities:
- Promotion of the science and technologies related to electronic communication via the Radio Frequency (RF) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum via Organizing, facilitating, and conducting activities for existing and future Amateur Radio licensees under the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Part 97 Rules of the Amateur Radio Service.
- Encouraging technical and operational proficiency and readiness in radio frequency communications capabilities through â–ª innovation, experimentation, and invention pertaining to RF technologies â–ª participation in communications exercises such as the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) “Field Day” and other communication activities and contests.
- Assistance to persons wishing to obtain their FCC Amateur Radio license.
- Assistance to currently licensed Amateur Radio Operators who wish to obtain additional FCC operating privileges by upgrading their license via â–ª encouraging and providing FCC-certified Volunteer Examiners within the WCARC membership.
- Provide classes and other educational activities to prepare members for initial Amateur Radio licensing or upgrades.
- Affiliation with local and national Scouting organizations to â—¦ educate and encourage Scouts to become licensed Amateur Radio Operators.
- Participate jointly in national Amateur Radio and Scouting events such as Jamboree On the Air and ARRL Field Day.
- Facilitate Amateur Radio study sessions and licensing examinations.
The WCARC will maintain readiness to assist local authorities with emergency communications by:
- Participating in weekly emergency communications radio nets operated by the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the PA Emergency Management Agency (PEMA).
- Establishing emergency radio communications stations in the annual ARRL Field Day exercise
- Assisting members to maintain their proficiency and equipment to enable them to assist if called upon to provide emergency communications assistance.
AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE (ARRL) AFFILIATION: It shall be an aim of this club to have a minimum of fifty one percent (51%) of its members also be members of: “The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated” so that this club may avail itself of the benefits available thru ARRL club affiliation.
- Links:
- https://w3aro.org
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 35
- Voting Members:
- 32
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 32
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 22
Wayne County Amateur Radio Club Officers
Contact, President
Robert P. Pieroway WA2YLY -
Charles W. Maas KC3GSV -
Peter A. Marcano KC3POC -
Vice President
Mark R. Wheeler KZ3MW -
Paul E. Coar KA3E