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Find an Amateur Radio License Class

Pensacola FL 32504



Start/End Dates: 02/11/2025 - 04/24/2025
Times: 6:00 - 8:30 PM
# of Sessions: 20
Class level: Technician
Morse code offered: No
Pre register required: Yes
Fee: $ 21.00
Pre Study required: No
Class Type: Traditional
Exam offered: Yes
Sponsoring Club/Organization: Five Flags Amateur Radio Assoc & Pensacola State College
Instructor: kb4hah
Contact: Eugene (Gene) Bannon kb4hah
Phone: (850) 477-0024
Location: Introduction to Amateur Radio & Upgrade
1000 College Blvd
Pensacola, FL 32504
Additional Information: The Five Flags Amateur Radio Assoc (FFARA) & Pensacola State College (PSC) co-sponsor the "Amateur Radio Introduction & Upgrade" (Course # 06254) at the PSC Main Campus (off 9th Ave, near the Airport) in Bldg. 96, Room 9663 on Tues and Thurs Evening from 6-8:30 PM. Registration is through PSC's Continual Education Dept, since this is not a college credited course. The class is listed in the Continual Education & Leisure Catalog under the hobby section. The cost is $21.00 that PSC requires for the usage of their facilities and their administration cost. The class has 2 Field trips (one Escambia County Emergency Operation Center, the other to FFARA monthly meeting), a hands-on Demo (our Mini-Field day), and Antenna Construction, besides the classroom instructions on Radio theory, electrical/electronic theory & math. A class Syllabus will be handed out to the class on the 1st day of the class. Daily attendance is NOT MONITORY, but strongly recommended, thus the reason for the syllabus on the 1st day of the class. This is so the students will know what is being taught on what nights. Register at



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