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Too many...

Nov 18th 2015, 13:46


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Seems like every time I turn on the radio on a Saturday
Morning, there is another GD contest!

I would just like a couple of pleasant RCs on CW,
even though most Q's these days are contest
exchanges only....

Anyway, just my two cents worth....

Nov 18th 2015, 15:59


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The ARRL sponsors only two contests that have an impact on the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter CW parts of the band; Sweeps (last weekend) and the International DX CW Contest. There are also the 160 meter contest, which is exclusively CW and the 10 meter contest, which is all modes. While the contesters seemingly take over these bands, there are always 30, 17 and 12 meter CW, which are not used during ARRL contests.

Contests are popular because one can make many contacts in a short period of time. Many Radio Amateurs do not have the time to get on the air on a regular basis, due to many factors of life, but try to block out at least one or two weekends out of the year.

Here's the ARRL contest schedule for this year; you can see how many contests we sponsor that impact HF CW:

Bob Allison
ARRL Laboratory
Nov 18th 2015, 20:12


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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The "Contest Calendar" for November lists 22 HF CW contests of one sort or another.

Were it only ARRL contests....

Always enjoy FD.

Rob, N6VX

Nov 21st 2015, 00:36


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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To each his own... 99% of my contacts are made in contests, because that's what I enjoy.

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