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raspberry pi dvap setup to access DSTAR repeaters

Mar 17th 2020, 13:05


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Four years ago I had a mobile setup that worked great, that now no longer works: Icom ID-51a wirefless to DVAP plugged into Raspberry Pi 3. The RP3 wirelessly linked to my iPhone6 hotspot. Today I can get the path to go as far as requesting a link in the ID-51a to an REF Dstar repeater, but always get "not linked" reply when I try to link. When I hook up the DVAP to my computer everything works. So, I am thinking I need to reimage the micro-SD card in the RP3. Two questions: 1) have any upgrades been made to the image that goes on the RP3? (there are 3 or 4 sources of these images, and none seem to have been updated in at least 4 years); 2) any other comments on changes in the last 4 years that might have made my system no longer work? Thanks. 73, KG9ML Mike

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