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Team composition selection for custom Mythic+

Feb 22nd, 10:26


Joined: Feb 21st, 12:23
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Can I choose my team composition for my custom Mythic+? I understand that it's important to choose the right lineup for a successful playthrough, but is it possible to choose the people I'm going to play dungeons with in advance? I prefer to play with people I know, but I can't always get the right group together. What are the options for such situations?
Feb 23rd, 10:32

Joined: Feb 22nd, 16:39
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Yes, in most cases, when you choose to customize Mythic+ through services like Mythic+ Keys Boost, you can choose or even completely control the composition of the group. This is a great feature for those who want a guaranteed team of experienced players and go through a dungeon with the highest probability of success. In services that offer such services, you can choose players that match your play style and expectations. These services allow you to choose different options for your group, which gives you flexibility and control, especially if you want to avoid random players with low skill levels. You can also choose your pass rate, which will help you complete the dungeon faster with the desired outcome.
Feb 24th, 05:49

Joined: Feb 22nd, 16:42
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In most cases, when you use custom Mythic+ services, your choice of team composition may be limited. But if you want to assemble a group to your liking, it's worthwhile to make arrangements with friends in advance or search for players in special communities. However, for those who want to use third-party services, it is possible to pick up more experienced players or ask for support in lineup selection, which will increase the chances of a successful passage.
Feb 26th, 00:53

Joined: Jan 16th, 06:48
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