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JT65A vs JT9 Dec 18th 2013, 02:52 1 7,943 on 18/12/13
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New Digital Mode? AC2IK on 1/8/14
I have used the Rigblaster Advantage with success on my TS2000. Currently, I don't need one as I can hook directly to my TS-590S without an interface. Volume never seemed a problem as once you get everything set, you rarely have to adjust.
SWR WA6ZFM on 11/7/14
Richard, it could be something as simple as the wind blowing your antenna around. I use and end fed wire hanging vertically out my window. When the wind gets to a certain velocity, and the wire get about 30 degrees or more from vertical, my SWR's go crazy.
Is There A Foreign Operations Forum? KF4HOJ on 13/4/14
I live in Singapore and here one can get this kind of information from the local club (SARTS) or directly from IDA (similar to FCC). I would think Thailand has a similar organization, but you will likely have to Google translate the sites.

Good Luck.
Suggested radio for beginner lkhedge on 16/2/14
As stated above, it depends on what you want to do, the level of your interest, and the size of your pocket book. If you want to try talking all over the world, are fairly sure you want to stay in this hobby for a long time and have adequate funds, then I would buy a top of the line (or near top of the line) radio which includes many features you might not use for a long time or even never. Otherwise, just get something inexpensive that you can later discard or sell.
Computer Hardware Ideas? K7RMA on 21/1/14
I completely agree with Martin's comments but have an additional suggestion. I use two monitors because I like to have up several windows when using digital, such as HRD, DM780, HRD Log, JT65, Internet, and email. Of course, if you are willing to switch between them the extra monitor is not necessary. I happen to have an extra monitor so tried it and now find it difficult to do without.

73, Dan 9V1DB

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