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Amateur Radio Discussed at CEPT Meeting


International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 1 reports the 96th virtual meeting of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) Frequency Management Working Group (FMWG) on June 8 – 12 dealt with several amateur radio matters. According to IARU Region 1, the European Common Allocation Table (ECA) was reviewed, resulting in a revised version for consultation with stakeholders. IARU was able to amend the 241 – 250 GHz band entry to correct some errors.

The state of the 50 – 52 MHz band in CEPT countries was also updated to take WRC-19 decisions into account. Last year, Ukraine requested that it be included in CEPT ECC Recommendation T/R 61–02, the recommendation that defines the Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate (HAREC), and this was agreed. Romania had contacted the FMWG chairman concerning the possibility of introducing electronic amateur radio licensing. This idea been passed to CEPT’s Radio Amateur Forum Group for further discussion and possible action.

The meeting also discussed developing a regulatory framework for wireless power transfer (WPT) going forward, and attendees agreed that the CEPT Spectrum Engineering Working Group should continue to study the full range of WPT applications and emissions and that no regulatory steps would be taken until that work is complete. Meeting documents are available.





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