ARRL ARDF Coordinator to Retire, New Coordinator Named
ARRL Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV, is stepping down after more than 20 years on the job. Since he became ARRL ARDF Coordinator in February 1998, Moell said the sport of on-foot transmitter hunting under international rules has grown steadily in participation and popularity. Since 2001, beginners and experts alike have gathered each year for the USA Championships of ARDF.
ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has appointed Jerry Boyd, WB8WFK, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the new ARRL ARDF Coordinator, effective on July 1. Boyd has been involved in ARDF for many years and has been a frequent medal winner at USA’s championships. He headed the team of organizers for the 2002, 2005, and 2011 USA and IARU Region 2 ARDF Championships, held in his hometown. He was on Team USA for the 2004, 2006, and 2010 ARDF World Championships. Boyd also holds an appointment as ARRL Official Observer Coordinator for the New Mexico Section.
The ARRL ARDF Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the selection of Team USA members for the World ARDF Championships in even-numbered years, selecting the location and organizers of the annual USA ARDF Championships, and working with coordinators and working groups of other nations and IARU regions to schedule activities and develop rule updates, among other activities.
As Boyd prepares to take the reins, President Roderick has expressed gratitude for all Moell has done for the advancement of ARDF. Since the US began participating in the biennial ARDF World Championships in 1998, the team has been better prepared every time. The US won its first World Championships medal in 2006 and has medaled every competition since. Last year, the US team garnered 10 medals, with more than half of the team members standing on the medal podium at least once.
While Moell is retiring from the ARDF Coordinator position, he will continue posting radio-orienteering event news and photos on his Homing In website and participating with other southern California ARDF enthusiasts. He expressed his appreciation for the efforts of all who have worked to make ARDF practices and competitions available to aspiring champions. “ARDF has moved from a novelty into the mainstream of Amateur Radio,” he said. “It is recognized as an ideal way to interest young people in our hobby and to get them started. Please keep up the good work.”