EME SSTV Lunar Landing Commemorative Event Set
Moonbounce enthusiasts are invited to take part in a commemorative Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) slow-scan television (SSTV) party on 23 centimeters, marking the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing. The event gets under way at 2300 UTC on Saturday, July 20, at PI9CAM in the Netherlands.
“We will start to transmit several lunar landing-related images on 1296.110 MHz,” said the Moon-Net Reflector announcement from Jan van Muijlwijk, PA3FXB, on behalf of “Team PI9CAM.” PI9CAM is the call sign at Dwingeloo Observatory, which boasts a 25-meter dish. “Of course, a bigger antenna is better, but we have had some surprisingly good SSTV reports in the past from moderate-dish stations,” van Muijlwijk said. “Even with a 2.5- or 3-meter dish, you should be able to see some distinguishable images. We also encourage you to try sending some SSTV images yourself.”
He said PI9CAM will coordinate via the HB9Q logger and will be active all night until moonset at Dwingeloo. Team PI9CAM will take time out for two scheduled live, voice moonbounce contacts with Jodrell Bank Observatory in the UK. PI9CAM also will transmit some recorded voice messages. “We hope to see many images off the moon!” van Muijlwijk said.