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FCC Announces Closing of Filing Window at its Headquarters


The FCC permanently closed its filing location at FCC Headquarters — Open Window Counter, 445 12th Street SW, Room, TW-A325, Washington, DC 20554 — effective on July 7. This change is for security measures, and in anticipation of the upcoming FCC Headquarters move. Hand-carried documents will no longer be accepted at the FCC Headquarters.

After COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, 9050 Junction Drive, Annapolis Junction, Maryland 20701, will be the only location where hand-carried documents for the FCC will be accepted. The filing window for hand-carried documents will be open from 8 AM until 4 PM, Monday through Friday.

“These changes are being made to enhance security measures and in conjunction with the Commission’s upcoming relocation to a new headquarters building located at 45 L Street NE, Washington, DC 20554, which is scheduled to occur later this year,” the FCC said in announcing the change.



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