Hiram Percy Maxim Birthday Celebration Results and Certificates Now Available
Results and certificates from the Hiram Percy Maxim (HPM) Birthday Celebration August 31 – September 8 are now available. The 9-day operating event commemorated the 150th anniversary of the birth of ARRL cofounder and first president Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW. Amateurs from 57 ARRL/RAC sections and four countries submitted more than 25,000 contacts over the course of the event. Results of the event and downloadable certificates are on the ARRL Contests Page.
A special HPM 150 QSL card is available for stations that worked W1AW/150 during the event. To receive a card, send your QSL with an SASE to W1AW, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111.