International Telecommunication Union Accepts EURAO as a Sector Member
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) accepted the European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO) as a sector member at the recent meeting of the ITU Council. It joins the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) in representing the Amateur Service at ITU conferences. IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, said his organization welcomes EURAO to ITU membership and hopes to work closely with its representatives in ITU Study Groups and Working Parties to present the arguments for Amateur and Amateur-Satellite spectrum.
“IARU believes that a strong degree of cooperation between our two organizations into the future will be in the best interests of the Amateur Service and is committed to working to make that happen,” Ellam said.
IARU has participated in ITU conferences since 1927 and has been an ITU sector member since 1932, playing an active role in the work of the ITU Radiocommunication and Development sectors.