Launch of Nine Chinese Amateur Radio Satellites Postponed 24 Hours
The launch of nine Chinese satellites carrying Amateur Radio payloads was postponed by 24 hours due to technical reasons.
China Amateur Satellite Group CAMSAT CEO Alan Kung, BA1DU, told ARRL that the satellites will head into space today, September 19, at 2300 UTC and separate from the rocket 15:14 after launch.
Four of the microsatellites and two of the CubeSats included in the launch have been designated as XW-2A through XW-2F. The other three satellites — a CubeSat, a nanosatellite, and a picosatellite — carry the designations CAS-3G through CAS-3I, respectively.
XW-2 (CAS-3) Keplerian Elements Update Provided by CAMSAT
1 99999U 15262.96885748 .00004985 00000-0 28395-3 0 00005
2 99999 097.4712 270.8252 0010383 266.0522 270.6644 15.12847565000015