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May QST Going Out to Members on Time, W1AW Adjusts Its Schedule


ARRL wants to assure members that the COVID-19 shutdown of ARRL Headquarters will have little or no impact on publication schedules. The print edition of May QST is now off the presses and will enter the mail stream next week, and the US Postal Service anticipates no delivery disruptions.

Digital QST and the pending digital debuts of QEX and NCJ are expected to be posted on schedule. May QST will include more details on the QEX and NCJ digital editions β€” a new member benefit β€” as well as an intriguing cover article on β€œThe Lightbulb QSO Party.”

ARRL also anticipates that The ARRL Letter, ARRL Audio News, the ARES E-Letter, The ARRL Contest Update, and the Eclectic Technology podcast will be available as usual.

Although ARRL Headquarters is closed, W1AW continues operating, but on a slightly altered transmission schedule. Morning code practice and qualifying run transmissions have been suspended; evening transmissions, including qualifying runs, will go on as usual. W1AW remains closed to the public, however.

Members should direct questions via email. ARRL Interim CEO Barry Shelley, N1VXY, thanked members for their patience during this adjustment period.



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