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New Summer EURAO Party to Premier FT4


The motto of the new European Radio Amateurs’ Organization (EURAO) Summer Party is “Premiering FT4.” This is not a contest but an on-the-air radio gathering with some suggested guidelines. The event is set for July 27 – 28 UTC.

A new “general availability” release of WSJT-X that includes the latest FT4 protocol for HF contesting was released on July 15 as part of the WSJT-X 2.1.0 suite. FT4 is designed to be suitable for contesting in a manner similar to RTTY. Recommended frequencies for FT4 are 3.595, 7.090, 10.140, 14.140, 18.104, 21.140, 24.919, 28.180, 50.318, and 144.170 MHz. Exchanges are limited to what FT4 can accommodate, such as call sign, grid square, and signal report.

For statistical purposes, EURAO is asking participants to submit logs in ADIF format, with your call sign as the file name. No results will be published, only statistical information.



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