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Next School Club Roundup Set for October 21 – 25


ARRL’s twice-yearly School Club Roundup (SCR) gets under way on Monday, October 21, at 1300 UTC, and runs through Friday, October 25, at 2359 UTC. Stations may operate for up to 24 hours during the entire contest and for 6 hours during any single 24-hour period. Any mode — SSB, CW, or digital — is allowed for the event.

Stations will participate in five categories: Elementary/Primary, Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School, Senior High School, College/University Club, and Non-School Club. There is also a category for Individuals to participate.

The most popular time for younger students to be on the air is during after-school hours, but older students may be on the air at any time. Groups are limited to one transmitter on the air at any given time. Stations exchange signal report, category (School, Club, or Individual), and state, province, or DXCC entity. Stations can be worked once per band and mode. Participants will now be able to make up to three contacts with a station on each band using CW, voice, and digital modes.

The School Club Roundup is co-sponsored by ARRL and the Long Island Mobile Amateur Radio Club (LIMARC), and results appear in QST as well as online. The top three entries in each category — Elementary, Middle/Intermediate/Junior High School, Senior High School College/University — will receive an award certificate. Non-school clubs or multioperator groups and individuals are also eligible for certificates.

Submit scores and logs via the SCR score entry website. Scores and logs may be entered from the time the contest begins through the log submission deadline. Paper logs are acceptable as well. Logs for the October SCR are due by November 9.



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