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Ninth YOTA Summer Camp Gets Under Way on August 11


Up to 80 young radio amateurs, primarily from IARU Region 1 but including participants from other parts of the world, will gather in Bulgaria on August 11 for the ninth annual Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Summer Camp. Special call sign LZ19YOTA will be on the air during the weeklong event, hosted by the Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs (BFRA).

The event offers an opportunity for the participants to foster international friendships and goodwill and learn new Amateur Radio skills. The main theme will be “train the trainer” (TTT). Participants will be working on the future of Amateur Radio and be involved in workshops to gain skills to start similar ham radio youth events when they get back home.

“We are aiming to create a snowball effect,” the YOTA announcement said. “There will be more and more YOTA events all over the world. This also allows other youngsters and newcomers to enjoy Amateur Radio.”

Activities will include kit building and an opportunity to visit the surrounding region, including the ACOM amplifier factory. QSL LZ19YOTA via the bureau to LZ1BJ.



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