Questions Raised About Current Process for Awarding the E.T. Krenkel Medal
Questions about how the E.T. Krenkel Medal is being awarded, including whether recipients have to pay a fee to get the medal, have been brought to ARRL’s attention.
In the past, several prominent radio amateurs and organizations — including QST — have been awarded and received the medal without any advance notice and without having to provide any information or payment.
ARRL has been advised that in recent months “nominees” have been invited essentially to complete their own nomination forms and asked to forward a fee for the cost of obtaining the medal, which some nominees said they have not received. Regulations for the E.T. Krenkel Medal, issued by “LLC Russian Traveler and National Academy of Researches and Discoveries,” states that the cost of a medal is to be paid by the sponsor (individual or organization) nominating a medal recipient. Some evidence suggests that sponsor and recipient may now be one and the same.
A small tourism enterprise, LLC Russian Traveler was reportedly liquidated in January but is believed by some to be operated by a Russian radio amateur. A form attached to the Regulations that’s designed for an organization or individual to nominate an honoree is the one now being sent to individuals who have been told they were nominated.
ARRL takes no official position regarding the current status of E.T Krenkel Medal nominations, LLC Russian Traveler, or anyone connected with either. ARRL does, however, want to ensure that members are aware of the issues that have been called to its attention.