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Radio Amateurs Take to the Air to Support National Wildlife Refuge Week


Amateur Radio operators will be on the air in observance of the 2011 National Wildlife Refuge Week, October 8-16. This event will coincide with festivals and special events at refuges that help connect people with nature at the country’s more than 500 National Wildlife Refuges.

Radio amateurs are helping spread the word about the National Wildlife Refuge System by operating from refuges during National Wildlife Refuge Week. This event is a chance to combine Amateur Radio’s communication capabilities with enjoyment of the outdoors, while helping others learn about the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS). Hams will highlight refuge features, wildlife and geography when making contact with other stations across North America. Operators will make contact using SSB, CW and various digital modes, including RTTY and PSK31.

If you would like to participate in National Wildlife Refuge Week, please review the rules and other information available here and formulate a proposal for the manager of the refuge you intend to activate. You will then need to obtain permission from the refuge manager to operate within the refuge.  After you have permission, submit your operating plan to have your operation listed on the National Wildlife Refuge Week website. Only those stations that have authorized, responsible access to refuges are sanctioned by this event. So far, stations in almost 30 National Wildlife Refuges in 20 states -- from Alaska to Wisconsin -- have signed on to the event.

Visit the National Wildlife Refuge Week Ham Radio website for more information and a list of participating ham radio stations.



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