Scouting’s Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) Takes Place this Weekend
Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) — the largest Scouting event in the world, with an estimated half-million participants — takes place over the October 18 – 20 weekend. JOTA uses Amateur Radio to link Scouts and hams across the nation and around the world. Communication typically involves phone contacts, but some JOTA stations may employ digital modes, CW, satellites, and perhaps slow- or fast-scan television.
Typical exchanges may include name, location, Scout rank, age, and hobbies. JOTA is always the third weekend in October, and participants have the whole weekend to get on the air. The event officially starts Friday evening during the “JOTA Jump Start” and runs through Sunday evening.
JOTA will be competing for band spectrum with the popular Worked All Germany (WAG) contest. JOTA participants seeking contacts with stations in Europe should note that contest-free segments are defined in the WAG rules, so the two events can operate at the same time with minimal problems. These WAG segments do not overlap with the announced JOTA frequencies. — Thanks to Boy Scouts of America and Geert Jan de Groot, PE1HZG