Special Event Operation to Honor Amateur Radio Software Award Recipient
The K1A special event September 25 – October 5, 2200 – 0500 UTC, headquartered in Ames, Iowa, will be sponsored by the Amateur Radio Software Award Committee. Frequencies planned are 7.190 and 14.260 MHz.
“The special event station promotes innovative, free and open amateur radio software,” the sponsor says. “The 2020 Amateur Radio Software Award recipient Anthony Good and his K3NG Arduino CW Keyer software project will be honored during the event. Nominations for the 2021 awards will also be encouraged.
The Amateur Radio Software Award is an annual international award for the recognition of software projects that enhance amateur radio. The award aims to promote amateur radio software development which adhere to the same spirit as amateur radio itself: innovative, free and open.”
QSL Amateur Radio Software Awards, Special Event Station, PO Box 126, Ames, IA 50010-0126. Include an S.A.S.E. Contact Claus Niesen, AE0S, for more information.