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Spring Frequency Measuring Test (FMT) Results Announced


The results for the W1AW Frequency Measuring Test (FMT) held on May 21, 2008 are in. Announced and reported completely online, the spring version of the exercise attracted 81 participants. The object was to measure the frequency of an audio tone, given the frequency of the transmitted signal's carrier. Since digital modes based on frequency-shift keying (FSK) require precise tuning, being able to measure frequency is an important skill.

The actual frequency of the tone was 1240.3 Hz for all of the W1AW transmissions. The majority of the participants reported frequencies within 1-5 Hz of the exact value, a 0.08 to 0.4 percent error. Participants could use a variety of measurement techniques, some of which are described in the November 2004 QST article announcing an FMT with a similar focus. The online results include detailed descriptions from many stations of the methods and equipment used to make the measurements.

W1AW Station Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, plans to run additional FMT exercises on a regular basis, so watch the ARRL Web Site for future announcements. If possible, a West Coast station will be added to future FMTs, improving signal quality for participating stations in that region, particularly on the lower frequency bands. Automated results collection and reporting will be supported for all future FMT events.



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