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Surfin' Logging Online


Rick Borken, K0XB, wrote, "We have a small, local ARRL-affiliated radio club -- the Lake Vermilion DX Association (LVDXA) -- and recently obtained our own club call sign. I thought it would be fun for the members to be able to use the club call sign from their own stations as part of our own 'special event.' If we do, we need a way to create and update a log. Paper would work, but it would be much better to use an electronic log.

"Do you know of a Web-based logging program? By that I mean a Web-based application that we could log into and enter contacts when we are using the club call sign. Then we'd have a single, common log.

"I know multi-station DX operations often network their computers in order to use a common log, but we can't do that because we're in different locations. This seems to me to be a straightforward use for a Web-based application, but I have not been able to find anything like that."

I wrote back to Rick that I was not aware of any Web-based logging applications; however, Google has a suite of free Web-based applications including one called Google Docs. This program allows you to import your existing documents, spreadsheets and presentations, or even create new ones from scratch. Then you can access and edit them from anywhere with a Web browser. Google also stores your documents securely online and you can invite other people to collaborate on your documents.

It would be simple to set up a log sheet in Google Docs (perhaps as a spreadsheet) and share it with the club members who would sign in using their own free Google accounts to use the log as needed. Also, you can also download the log, save and print it as necessary.

I have used Google Docs to review and edit works written by others and am very satisfied with the application. The price is right and it is simple to use, so take the Google Docs tour and see for yourself if it will work for you.

Until next time, keep on surfin'!

Editor's note: Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU, wears Google out. To communicate with Stan, send him e-mail or add comments to his blog. By the way, every installment of Surfin' is indexed here, so go look it up.


Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU
Contributing Editor



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