TAPR Officers, Board Members Elected
The TAPR Board of Directors has elected officers for the following year: President Steve Bible, N7HPR; Vice President Jeremy McDermond, NH6Z; Treasurer Tom Holmes, N8ZM; Secretary Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU. At the TAPR Annual General Membership Meeting on September 21, the three unopposed nominees John Ackermann, N8UR; Jeremy McDermond, NH6Z, and Mark Thompson, WB9QZB, were affirmed to serve as TAPR board members for 3 year terms. Thompson, a former director, fills the slot of Dan Babcock, N4XWE, who stepped aside after serving one term. Ackermann and McDermond were incumbent directors. For more information, contact Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU. — Thanks to TAPR