WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee Sticking to Schedule for Now
The World Radiosport Team Championship 2022 (WRTC 2022) Organizing Committee is, at least for now, staying on course for the event in Italy, in light of restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
“We understand this is disrupting travel and operating plans in ways that affect different areas of the world unequally. However, it is not realistic for us to predict the extent and evolution of the effects of the pandemic. We have to wait and see how the situation develops,” Carlo De Mari, IK1HJS, announced on the WRTC 2022 website. WRTC 2022 will stick with the qualifying events and schedule in the published qualification rules and is considering various options.
“No decisions have been made at this time,” the announcement said. “Please continue with your plans as best you can for now.” WRTC 2022 will be held in July 2022 in Bologna, Italy.