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YLRL Scholarships Available for Students


The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) has announced its Memorial Scholarship program for 2025. The scholarship program is aimed at female amateur radio operators studying radio, communications, electronics or amateur radio related arts and sciences. 

There are three Memorial Scholarship award categories:

•The Ethel Smith, K4LMB, Memorial Scholarship — $2,500 award

•The Mary Lou Brown, NM7N, Memorial Scholarship — $2,500 award

•The Martha “Marte” Wessel, KØEPE, Memorial Scholarship — $1,500 award

“YLRL is committed to investing in women in amateur radio, and we believe that every act of volunteerism through amateur radio, even a small one, helps turn the world into a better place,” said Vicki Zumwalt, N6KLS, President of YLRL. “We hope that our scholarships will not only encourage students to learn more about science, technology, and engineering but also inspire them to take pride in being an amateur radio operator and to encourage others to do so as well.”

The YLRL believes that education in the fields or radio, communications, electronics, and amateur-related arts and sciences will play an important role in shaping the world’s future. Through these memorial scholarships, YLRL hopes to encourage female students to learn more about amateur radio.

To qualify, students must be female, have an amateur radio license, meet the requirements listed on the YLRL website and apply using the online application. Applications are due by April 30, 2025. Winners will be announced in July 2025.

The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is an international non-profit organization of female amateur radio enthusiasts. It was founded in 1939 and is the longest-running YL club in the world.



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