SB DX @ ARL $ARLD022 ARLD022 DX news ZCZC AE22 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 22 ARLD022 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 31, 2001 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD022 ARLD022 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by Tedd, KB8NW, the OPDX Bulletin, QRZ DX, 425DXnews, The Daily DX and Contest Corral from QST. Thanks to all. MONACO, 3A. IK5GQK, IK5YOJ, IW5BZQ and IW5EDQ will be QRV as 3A/homecalls from June 1 to 3. Look for some activity on all HF bands using SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31. They will concentrate their activity on 6 meters, but will also be QRV on 2 meters. QSL via operator's instructions. TUNISIA, 3V. 3V8SM has been QRV on 21240 kHz around 1345z. He has also been active on 14270 kHz around 1800z. QSL via DL1BDF. MADAGASCAR, 5R. Bert, PA3GIO, is QRV as 5R8GY from Ile Sainte-Marie, IOTA AF-090, until June 9. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB. QSL to home call. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO, 9Q. Pierre, 9Q5BQ, has been QRV on 17 meters between 2130 and 2230z. QSL via HB9AMO. JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLAND, CE0. Eliazar, CE0ZIS, has been QRV on 15 meters around 0100z. CANARY ISLANDS, EA8. Brian, GM4XQJ, will be QRV as EA8/GM4XQJ from Fuerteventura from June 2 to 20. All his activity will be QRP CW around 14060 kHz. QSL to home call. IRELAND, EI. Sean, EI4GK and Declan, EI9HQ plan to operate from the Blasket Islands, IOTA EU-007, as EJ4GK and EJ9HQ, respectively, from June 1 to 3. Activity will be mainly SSB on 80 to 10 meters. QSL to home calls. ITALY, I. IT9HLN, IT9FCC, IT9UHF and IT9NGN plan to be QRV as homecalls/ID9 from Salina Island, IOTA EU-017, from June 1 to 3. They hope also to be active from Faraglione Pollara, IOTA EU- 017. QSL via operator's instructions. SVALBARD, JW. Look for JW0PK to be QRV from Prins Karls Forland Island, IOTA EU-063, from June 1 to 9. Activity will be on 160 to 2 meters, including the newer bands, using CW, SSB, RTTY, FM and PSK31. QSL via SP5DRH. LIECHTENSTEIN, LX. Look for DF5UL, DL1GGT, DL5EBT and DL6SAQ to be active as HB0/homecalls from June 1 to 4. They will participate in the IARU Region 1 Field Day and will also be QRV on 6 meters and 10 GHz looking for Sporadic E and Rainscatter openings. QSL to home calls. DENMARK, OZ. Helmut, DL7VOX, is QRV as OZ/DL7VOX/p from North Jylland, IOTA EU-171, using mostly CW on all bands, including the newer ones. He is active until June 8. QSL to home call. TURKEY, TA. Club station TA2KI will be QRV on all bands using CW and SSTV from new Kefken Island during the first week of June. TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, VP5. Dick, W3RM and Mike, N3MT are QRV as VP5/homecalls until June 14 from Providenciales Island, IOTA NA-002. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using mainly CW. QSL to home calls. LAOS, XW. Hiro, JA2EZD, will be QRV as XW0X for about a month. Activity is on all bands using CW and SSB. QSL via XW2A. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The QRP TAC Contest is scheduled for this weekend. Please see June QST, page 108 for details. NNNN /EX