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Auxiliary Station FAQ


Amateurs who use repeaters and associated operations are often faced with Part 97 rules dilemmas. Part 97 gives amateurs "pieces" which can be incorporated into a system. Part 97 doesn't address all uses, "remote bases" or crossband repeaters, for example, by name.

Auxiliary Station FAQ

  • What is an auxiliary station?-

    When an amateur station, such as a repeater, is remotely controlled over a radio link, there is another station involved--the station doing the controlling. This "control" station is, under the FCC rules, called an auxiliary station defined by the FCC as "An amateur station, other than a message forwarding system, that is transmitting commu­nications point-to-point within a system of cooperating amateur stations [97.3(a)(7)]." There are a few important rules that apply to auxiliary stations: 1) All amateurs, except Novices, may put auxiliary stations on the air [97.201(a)]. 2) An auxiliary station may transmit only on the 2 m and shorter wavelength bands, except the 144.0-144.5 MHz, 145.8-146.0 MHz, 219-220 MHz, 222.00-222.15 MHz, 431-433 MHz, and 435-438 MHz segments. 3) When there is interference, licensees are equally responsible for solving the interference, except where one station is coordinated and the other is not [97.201(c)]. Control links should be coordinated. 4) An auxiliary station may, under certain circumstances, be automatically controlled and may send one-way transmissions [97.201(d), (e)].

  • What are the uses for auxiliary stations?+

  • What does the FCC mean by a "system of cooperating stations?"+

  • What is a "remote base?"+

  • Is a "remote base" the same as a repeater?+

  • Are "open" remote bases legal?+

  • Is it legal to have a "remote base" with an output on HF below 29.5 MHz?+

  • How can I legally make my VHF/UHF station into a crossband repeater?+

  • How does the FCC define a repeater?+

  • How is a repeater configured?+

  • How does a repeater's "primary" control system work? What are local, remote and automatic control?+

  • Does the control operator of an automatically controlled repeater have to listen 24 hours each day?+

  • What is ancillary operation?+

  • Who may use a repeater or remote base?+

  • Why would a repeater owner limit access to a repeater?+

  • What other repeater rules are there?+

  • What is a "simplex repeater?"+

  • What is Frequency Coordination?+

  • What is the difference between a repeater licensee and trustee?+

  • What is telecommand?+

  • Can a Technician operate on 2 meters through a repeater which has an output in the 10 meter FM repeater segment which causes the Technicians signal to be retransmitted on 10 meter FM?+


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