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Trouble with CH5 Code Nov 10th 2017, 22:28 3 10,821 on 11/11/17
Tuning AV-680 Aug 29th 2016, 23:37 2 7,469 on 24/9/16
Drake 2-B Passband Adjustment Nov 23rd 2013, 02:43 2 8,799 on 27/11/13

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Trouble with CH5 Code AB1ZK on 11/11/17

Thanks for the info. I tried the "work around" for programming and the problem is solved.

If possible, a "cleaner" solution with a permanent fix to the hardware (FET) would be best.

Trouble with CH5 Code AB1ZK on 10/11/17
I have had the PIC programming for beginners for awhile (2010).
While I have used the book to learn, I have not built any projects till now.

I can not get ch5 code to work. The lights do not blink. The message gives a code 202. I am just using the code off the CD.

Any idea's ? I have checked the circuit and the 5 volts is to the chip, but not action from the leds. The leds do light if the 470 ohm is connected to the 5 volt source.

Tuning AV-680 AB1ZK on 24/9/16
I worked out the information myself, as I received no replies.

Length of spokes on Capacitor Hat :

80 Meter 48 inches
40 Meter 38 inches
30 Meter 23.5 inches
20 Meter 10 inches

Tuning AV-680 AB1ZK on 29/8/16

I have been having trouble tuning the 20 Meter and other bands on the AV-680 Hygain antenna.

My "guess" is that the tuning lengths in the AV-640 manual for the capacitance hat are the same for the AV-680.

Has anyone tried the tuning step ? The initial length for 20 Meters is 14.5 inches as shown on the diagram and the length in the AV-640 is about 10 inches.

Drake 2-B Passband Adjustment AB1ZK on 27/11/13
No Drake Owners around ?


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