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How is APRS used by most Hams? Sep 9th 2011, 16:58 3 9,827 on 25/1/12

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What is RFI versus QRM? KD4SBY on 5/6/12
I have a puzzle about interference of some sort I'm getting. I setup this evening ready to checkin to the SCCARA Monday net but could not get through the extreme noise on the frequency at 146.985. Our 2M repeater is located at Alum Rock Park in East San Jose CA which is pretty much a straight shot from my QTH at Lexington Reservoir south of Los Gatos. Last week I had a clear signal and got along just fine. The previous 2 weeks the noise was again too severe to even hear Net Control let alone check in. The odd thing is, about 20min prior to the Net start, I heard a clear and clean signal from the USS Hornet ARC at 146.880 based in Alameda. Their repeater is located in Oakland. So it doesn't appear that I have any local RFI being generated unless it just perversely started up right at 7:30. Any ideas as to why this is happening and how to clean it up?

Steve Dowler, KJ6QXK
How is APRS used by most Hams? k0hay on 9/9/11
I'm looking for an HT for my first radio and would like to know the pros and cons of APRS and how the system is most often used. The new VX-8DR and VX-8GR by Yaesu include APRS and I like the rest of the features in these HTs but am wondering if I would need the APRS feature. Thanks from a newham, 73s. Steve KJ6QXK.

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