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DXCC requirements unfair? Jul 23rd 2013, 06:34 8 12,440 on 26/8/17

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2014 Hard Cover Handbook N4MAV on 24/5/14
Still waiting on the HARD COVER edition. They ran out before I could order one with my name and call sign. Also, no word if they will offer those again, no update on the site that I can find, and as usual, none of my emails have been answered either.

I'm confident that if they make another print run, they will sell out again.
Endorsement Stickers on Certificate WM9I on 24/5/14
Never thought about using the stamps on the mat around the cert. GREAT idea!
2014 Hard Cover Handbook N4MAV on 6/2/14
I haven't had a chance to see the new handbook yet. What I am wondering is when they will have MORE hardcover editions available?
Digital QST Survey on 28/8/13
I had a question along the same lines as Dino.

If a member pays the $39.00, they will get a full year membership, and 12 issues of QST to read them whenever they choose. If 5 years later, they want to read a back issue, they have it available to read...again...whenever they like. Even if they are no longer a member.

My question is: if a member opts out of getting the "printed" version of QST, and wants the DIGITAL version of QST only, it still cost the same and they also get 12 digital issues for their $39.00. BUT...if 5 years later, the same digital QST only member wants to read a back issue...and happens to NOT be a member at the time...what happens to the digital QST that they PAID for?? If you have to log in to read them, do you still have access to them if your not a member, even though you WERE when you received them? If not, WHY?

Thanks, 73
Steve - NS5B
Forums demoted? aa6e on 19/8/13
Same here...I got the "...we'll look into it..." spill myself. Reminds me of a telemarketer reading from a script.

And some of them seem to be arrogant elitist, that don't care to hear from the ones that FUND THEIR SALARY...and any suggestions that ARE made...and I've seen some good ones...have been blatantly ignored. Its going to be run THEIR way, and the members don't have, and probably never will have a say. And as you said..."just pay your dues and SHUT UP!" About sums it up.

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