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What If I Send Non-Standard Size QSL Cards? Jul 5th 2017, 10:11 3 11,109 on 6/7/17

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What If I Send Non-Standard Size QSL Cards? wv0vw on 6/7/17
Yes, I believe other people's convenience in filing the cards is more important than my convenience. It seems if I want to be able to print them myself I want a method to trim down 4 x 6 to 3.5 x 5.5.

What If I Send Non-Standard Size QSL Cards? wv0vw on 5/7/17
Hello all,

Last weekend I made my first official HF contacts on my own. I intend to ask for QSL cards, and want to send them as well. My favorite option for sending them is to make use of my heavy duty HP Laserjet printer that can print on card stock.

ARRL recommends 3.5 x 5.5 inches for QSL cards. As far as I can tell that is not a standard size to buy card stock in. 4 x 6 inches is a standard size.

How big of a deal would it be to send 4 x 6 inch cards instead of 3.5 x 5.5 inch cards?

Does anyone know a good place to get 3.5 x 5.5 inch card stock?

Thank you,

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