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Remote tuner reporting match it found Nov 8th 2018, 15:38 1 6,110 on 8/11/18

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Remote tuner reporting match it found K3PX on 8/11/18
As a ham returning to the hobby after a 60-year hiatus, I find myself restricted to an attic antenna because of HOA. Given my various objectives, a workable solution appears to be a nonresonant dipole close to fundamental or harmonic resonance on multiple bands. It would be matched by a remote tuner located directly at the (center) feed point and give me a low feedline SWR on the bands of interest. My problem is this: I am only aware of commercial automatic remote tuners that do not report the match they have found. Yet it would be most instructive to see the values of the found reactances. It should be easy to send them back to the shack. Does anybody know of a remote tuner that has this capability?

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