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Büro vor dem Umzug reinigen |
aaesnx |
1 day, 20 hours ago |
Erst dachten wir, wir schaffen das irgendwie selbst, aber nach zwei Tagen Kisten schleppen war klar: keine Chance. Über eine Empfehlung sind wir dann bei einer Firma für haushaltsauflösung berlin gelandet, die wirklich super gearbeitet hat. Ohne die hätten wir das niemals rechtzeitig geschafft. |
Streaming Platform Support |
frella |
1 week, 3 days ago |
I've had a few technical issues with Starz, and I have to say that their support has been pretty quick. They respond fairly quickly, but sometimes you have to wait a little bit, depending on the complexity of the issue. |
Best hair dryer for traveling |
aaesnx |
1 week, 4 days ago |
I’ve been through a few travel dryers over the years, and honestly, finding the perfect one is tricky. Some mini versions are great for saving space, but they can take forever to dry thick hair. That’s why I started looking into whats a good hair dryer for travel, something that’s compact but still delivers enough power. Dual voltage is a must too, since dealing with adapters can be a pain. |
Need help with math |
Gerta |
2 weeks ago |
Hi! I need help with math. Some topics are quite challenging, and it's hard to figure them out on my own. I want to find someone who can explain the material clearly and help me understand the problems. |
Flip windshield or regular windshield |
Gerta |
2 weeks, 6 days ago |
I want to install a windshield, but I don't know which one is better to choose: flip or regular. The flip option looks interesting because of the possibility of adjusting the ventilation, but is it really convenient in real conditions? |