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Low Noise Antennas Jun 6th 2018, 02:44 2 6,457 on 7/6/18

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Low Noise Antennas W3GWM on 6/6/18
The noise level on 80 meters and 40 Meters where I operate a lot has gotten so high that weak signal stations are impossible to work or even hear on nets.

I’m thinking about putting up a large loop antenna (500-1000 feet).

From speaking to others using large loops there is a reduction in noise while enhancing signal strength.

Are there other low noise antennas I should consider?

I live in the country with sufficient area to construct any type of wire antenna I’d like. Convenient trees are not available in all directions but I can attach one end to my house and the other to a tree.

One consideration, my wife does not appreciate low wires so I try to get the antennas high enough to not bother her and try to attach guy wires to the top of a 6’ fence, the house or a tree.

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