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ARRL TravelPlus for Repeater Software Aug 14th 2011, 18:12 5 10,440 on 6/7/12

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ARRL TravelPlus for Repeater Software K5WUL on 17/8/11
Thanks W1VT for the post. One of those sneaky 'gotchas'. Many thanks to ARRL for great technical landline support this week!!!!
ARRL TravelPlus for Repeater Software K5WUL on 14/8/11
Purchased ARRL TravelPlus for Repeaters & Kenwood's MCP-2A TMD-710A Software. Installed all software on Dell LapTop 1525 - Vista OS. Problem - Made a TravelPlus -Repeater List for my area - Selected 'Export Repeater Data' & 'Radio Programming' format, Created a folder for the data. Named file xxxx.tpe & saved it. At this point - I checked that folder & NO FILES were created. Why isn't the TravelPlus program generating the tpe files? What am I missing? I followed all of the steps but ????? Please let me know what steps I can take specifically that will generate the files for importing to the MCP-2A use?

I tried the above procedures several times & same result - no tpe or csv files created. The folder is always empty even tho it appeared to function - no error codes....... it even states - do I want to erase the existing file - so somehow it thinks a tpe file is there - but there isn't????? Weird.....
Thank you - Larry

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