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Brain injury and Ham radio Apr 8th 2019, 23:17 2 7,105 on 10/4/19

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Brain injury and Ham radio WX7DX on 8/4/19
In 1990 I suffered a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). I was driving truck and I bounced my head off the ground and could no longer do what I did. I used C.B. a lot while on the road and that carried over to being a hobby. One day it was suggested I get a ham radio lic.93 or 94??

My first was Kc7Kpa then got the bug to get a Vanity lic. and I found on internet Wx7Dx applied and received and love it. Oct 2014 smashed in to from behind and had the brain scrambled even more. I know. Chear up things could be worse. Sure nuff things got worse Lots more problems with reasoning and thinking and have not been on the air Since. In the last month or so I have found a new interest in ham radio. Bought a 991A by yaesu and a cpl of 2 meter mobiles.. Snow is finally gone so now I need to get things going. Fear is a big part of TBI. Fear of nothing. Fear of Everything. Sometime talk to much and put out to much info about self. Sometimes get words mixed up and have a real problem with short term memory. Names, Callsigns etc. Just have to see where life on the air goes from here. See you on the radio. No I don't do code. Hurts to much.
D.E. Wx7Dx

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