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Joined: Sat, Apr 4th 1998, 00:00 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Cambodian QSL good for DXCC credit? Jun 22nd 2012, 23:30 1 9,151 on 22/6/12
Submit QSLs from all my calls together? May 25th 2012, 19:50 2 8,992 on 12/6/12
Submission of a seemingly random collection of QSL cards? May 21st 2012, 18:07 2 8,649 on 12/6/12
HF RFI from plasma TVs? Oct 30th 2011, 15:24 2 9,172 on 30/10/11
LoTW and WAS award question Aug 2nd 2011, 15:58 2 10,897 on 23/8/13

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Cambodian QSL good for DXCC credit? W0RSB on 22/6/12
I have a QSL from a contact with F6IRF/4U in Cambodia made on 18 May 1992.

DX bulletins of the time have him on the air from Cambodia at the time, but I can't find any mention of the operation being blessed for DXCC credit.

Is it good?
Submit QSLs from all my calls together? W0RSB on 25/5/12
Can I submit QSLs for contacts made with all 3 calls I've held so long as they're otherwise sorted according to the rules?

Should I include copies of licenses for my 2 earlier calls?
Submission of a seemingly random collection of QSL cards? W0RSB on 21/5/12
I have QSL cards dating back to the 1960 that I've never had the nerve to put in a box and submit, but I do now have mixed and CW DXCC awards through LOTW.

Now, taking the LOTW award matrix, I just went through the collection and selected out all totally new entities and new band/mode combinations.

Using the online DXCC application form, can I now take all those potentially new credits and submit them without regard to exactly what, if any, awards might result?

I assume that all these new credits would be merged with my existing LOTW credits, and the computer system would then show me what new awards, if any, I might qualify for, and that I could then apply for them when the time is right.
QST for iPad? K3EP on 4/12/11
Quote by vkupiec
Ipad handles PDF's beautifully, as does the iPhone.

iPad does PDFs, but I hesitate to say "beautifully."
DirecTV TVI K9ZU on 4/11/11
I've had Dish for about 10 years and until this summer my vertical was about 20 feet from the dish without any interference with me operating from 40 through 10. I do run only 100 Watts though. I was originally worried about frying the LNB, but that didn't happen either.

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