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How cool is this?!? Jan 22nd, 18:55 1 425 on 22/1/25

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How cool is this?!? NS7X on 22/1/25
Of all the wall-paper I've collected over the years, I am most proud of my A-1 Operators Club certificate. After all, it is the only recognition which requires others (who have been named as A-1 Operators) to nominate an A-1 Operator. It don't get no better than that!

I hate the thought of the A-1 Operators Club withering on the vine. This is why I've spent the last several years nominating and encouraging other A-1 Ops to consider nominating new A-1 Ops.

An A-1 Op is the best of the best of amateur radio. These are folks who should be celebrated, and for those of us who have been so recognized, we need to maintain and encourage others to continue that legacy.

Just sayin'. 73 de MaryAnn, NS7X

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