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Grounding and Bonding for the Amateur

The ARRL's Book on Grounding and Bonding

This web page is for information that extends or supports the book Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Second Edition.  The book brings together material from numerous Amateur Radio and industry sources to present a comprehensive picture of basic grounding and bonding practices related to ac electrical safety, lightning protection, and the management of RF currents and voltages in the typical ham station.  The book is intended to be of the most use to new station builders and those upgrading an existing station.

The material below is organized as Resources, Supplemental Information, Examples, and Errata.  In the Resources section, you'll find a list of articles, websites, and vendors for materials and techniques referenced in the book. The Supplemental area extends discussions in the book or explores topics the book doesn't cover.  the Examples area features photos and comments by other amateurs intended to show how they solved a problem or implemented some of the suggestions in the book.  Finally, as the inevitable errata emerge, they'll be listed here - check this section before reporting a possible error.

Thanks for reading - we hope this book helps you build an effective and well-behaved station!

To purchase the book, click here or browse to the ARRL Store where you can also find numerous other technical publications supporting Amateur Radio.

If you purchased the first edition, new material in the second edition covers mobile stations, portable stations, transient suppression and protective devices, additional use of ferrite chokes.  We enhanced and expanded the material on lightning protection, the antenna system, how the single-point ground panel (SPGP) works and what's important to make it work right, and you'll notice quite a few drawings and graphics have additional detail and labels. Based on conversations and questions from hams, there is more information about upper-floor stations, routing the ground system and feed lines, and placement of the SPGP.  Additional reviewers contributed helpful ideas and comments, as well.


Supplemental Information and Errata

  • Resources for Materials, Products, and Methods - 24 Nov 2021-

    Grounding and Bonding Products

    The Tripp-Lite line of Premium Isobar surge protectors are recommended for use on the SPGP as a Protected Line Duplex Outlet. (Models are available with up to 8 outlets.)  The energy rating of suitable models ranges from 3300 to 5100 J.  Do not rely on surge-protected power strips.


    Note that if a surge protector is going to be mounted directly on an Single-Point Ground Panel (SGPG), paint on the enclosure must be removed to guarantee a good electrical connection.


    A wide variety of grounding products, assemblies, and materials suitable for amateur use are available from DX Engineering in the Grounding and Lightning Protection Department.


    General RF Websites

    RF Cafe: many tutorials, calculators, references, standards, etc.

    Microwaves101: a general-purpose site dealing with RF above 30 MHz

    Repeater-Builder: numerous links and articles, technical manuals, and instructions


    Electrical and Electrical Safety Websites

    Mike Holt Enterprises: numerous tutorials and explanations of safety practices

    International Association of Electrical Inspectors: information on electrical safety

    Polyphaser: various papers and tutorials on lightning protection for communications facilities, including ham stations

    Lightning Protection Institute: papers and tutorials on lightning protection techniques


    Useful Standards

    National Fire Protection Association: free access to the latest version of the NEC.  The NEC Handbook 2017 is available through libraries.

    FAA Document on Practices and Procedures for Lightning Protection, Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding Implementation

    Motorola Publication R56 - Standards and Guidelines for Communication Sites

    IEEE Std 1100 – 2005 “IEEE Recommended Practices for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment” (available from most libraries)

    MIL-HDBK-419A – Grounding, Bonding, and Shielding for Electronic Equipments and Facilities (Vol 1 and 2).


    ARRL Websites

    ARRL Technical Information Service sections
    Electrical Safety
    Grounding (various types and topics)
    Lightning Protection


    Miscellaneous Websites

    K9YC's Tutorials and Papers: Jim Brown, K9YC, has published a number of useful papers and presentations for hams.  His tutorials on ferrites and RFI are widely referenced, including by the ARRL.

    W8JI's Lighting and Grounding Pages: Tom Rauch, W8JI, has documented his grounding and bonding techniques to reduce lightning damage, noise, and RFI in his large station.  Many good photos and sketches illustrating the concepts in this book.


    Miscellaneous Books and Articles

    If your club is considering a set of books for members to use, along with Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, the NEC Handbook (used copies of recent editions are available online), and one of the home wiring books listed below would be a good starting point.

    • P. Laplante, Editor, Comprehensive Dictionary of Electrical Engineering Terms, CRC Press, 1999
    • Ugly’s Electrical References — pocket-sized references of electrical information for wiring, common electrical circuits, and materials
    • The Complete Guide to Wiring, 7th Edition, Cool Springs Press, 2017.
    • Block, R. R., The “Grounds” for Lightning and EMP Protection, Second Edition, PolyPhaser Corporation, 1993.
    • R. Cauldwell, "Wiring a House" 5th Edition, The Taunton Press, 2014
    • Hartwell, Schwan, and Richter, "Wiring Simplified" 45th edition, Park Publishing, 2017.
    • Rand, K. A., Lightning Protection and Grounding Solutions for Communications Sites, PolyPhaser Corporation, 2000.
    • Uman, M. A., All About Lightning, Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1986.
    • Uman, M. A., Lightning, Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 1984. Uman, M. A., The Lightning Discharge, Dover Publications, Inc, New York, 2001.

  • Supplemental Discussions and Topics (6 July 2022)+

  • Contributed Examples of Grounding & Bonding (18 Nov 2021)+

  • Errata+


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