Jerrold Talmadge Bushberg, Ph.D., DABMP, DABSNM, FAAPM, FHPS Dr. Jerrold Bushberg has performed health and safety analysis of radiofrequency (RF) transmissions systems and x and gamma-ray systems since 1978 and is an expert in both health physics and medical physics. The scientific discipline of Health Physics is devoted to radiation protection, which, among other things, involves providing analysis of radiation exposure conditions, biological effects research, regulations, and standards as well as recommendations regarding the use and safetyof ionizing and non-ionizingradiation. In addition, Dr. Bushberg has extensive experience and lectures on several related topics including medical physics, radiation protection, (ionizing and non-ionizing), radiation biology, the science of risk assessment and effective risk communication in the public sector,
Dr. Bushberg’s doctoral dissertation at Purdue University was on various aspects of the biological effects of microwave radiation. He has maintained a strong professional involvement in this subject and has served as a consultant or appeared as an expert witness on this subject to a wide variety of organizations/institutions including, federal, state and local governments, school districts, city planning departments, telecommunications companies, the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Council on Science and Technology, national and international news organizations, the FDA, U.S. Congress, and the World Health Organization. In addition, his consultation services have included detailed computer-based modeling of RF exposures as well as on-site safety inspections. Dr. Bushberg has performed RF environmental field measurements and has recommended appropriate mitigation measures for numerous transmission facilities in order to assure compliance with FCC and other safety regulations and standards. The consultation services provided by Dr. Bushberg are based on his professional judgment as an independent scientist, however, they are not intended to necessarily represent the viewsof any other organization.
A member of the main scientific body of the International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES) Dr. Bushberg reviews and evaluates the scientific literature on the biological effects of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation which assists in establishing ICES RF exposure standards. He also serves on the ICES Risk Assessment Working Group that is responsible for evaluating and characterizing the risks of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation. In 2005, Dr. Bushberg was elected to and is currently serving as a member of the main scientific council of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP). He was appointed Senior Scientific Vice-President of the NCRP in 2010 and chairman of the NCRP Board of Directors in 2013. Dr. Bushberg has served as chair of the NCRP scientific committee on Radiation Protection in Medicine and currently chairs NCRP’s scientific advisory committee on Non-ionizing Radiation Safety. The NCRP is the nation’s preeminent scientific radiation protection organization, chartered by Congress in 1964 to evaluate and provide expert consultation on a wide variety of radiological health issues. The current FCC RF exposure safety standards are based, in large part, on the recommendations of the NCRP.
Dr. Bushberg holds several radiation detection technology patents and was awarded the NCRP Sinclair Medal for "Excellence in Radiation Science" in 2014. In 2015, Dr. Bushberg was elected and currently serves as Vice-Chair of the International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) that has as its primary area of responsibility the examination and interpreting the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic energy and presenting its findings in an authoritative yet accessible manner. Dr. Bushberg also served for several years as a member of a six-person U.S. expert delegation to the international scientific community on Scientific and Technical Issues for Mobile Communication Systems established by the FCC and the FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health. Dr. Bushberg also served as President of the National Health Physics Society Non-ionizing Radiation Section (2018-2019).
A former Commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve, among other assignments, CDR Bushberg served as Executive Officer of the Chemical/Biological/Nuclear Technical Unit 120 Pacific, a highly skilled multidisciplinary military emergency response and advisory team based out of the Alameda Naval Air Station in California. Dr. Bushberg is a full member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, the Health Physics Society, and the Radiation Research Society. Dr. Bushberg received both a Master of Science Medical Physics and Doctorate in Bionucleonics from the Department of Bionucleonics at Purdue University where 34 years later he was awarded the University 's 2016 Christensen Distinguished Alumnus Award. Dr. Bushberg is an elected fellow of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, an elected fellow of the National Health Physics Society, and is certified by several national professional boards with specific subspecialty certification in radiation protection and medical physics. Prior to coming to California where he recently retired from UC Davis School of Medicine as Associate Chair of Radiology and Clinical Professor Emeritus Director of Medical/Health Physics Programs, Dr. Bushberg was on the faculty of Yale University School of Medicine.
Technology >> Radio Technology Topics >> Safety >> RF Exposure >> ARRL RF Safety Committee >> Who We Are >> Jerry Bushberg, Ph. D.