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Youth Net Information
Y.A.C.H.T. (Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team), Michigan-
Location (state) of Net Control: MI
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: Echolink conference node #954283. We also have an evening chat session Mon - Fri evenings at 7pm CST on our echolink node. We are also linked to Meganets #637329 for all echolink activities and to the W8PIF-R #481872 for the Sat. youth net only.
Day of week: Monday - Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Our chat session runs Mon-Fri at 7pm CST. The YACHT youth net is on Sat. 7pm CST
Time Zone: Central
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 7pm CST
Net Time, UTC: 0100 to 0200
Net Manager: Ed Engleman
Call Sign: KG8CX
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: We are dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of ham radio and related technology to youth throughout the U.S. and elsewhere. We operate a Facebook page and a weekly newsletter in addition to our echolink activity.
Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net+
Location (state) of Net Control: MA
Net Coverage: Regional
Net Operating Frequencies:
- W1STR, Natick, MA – 446.325- PL146.2 (echo link, IRLP)
- NE1AR, Milton, MA – 146.985- PL88.5 (Blue Hill)
- NE1AR, S.Natick, MA – 447.025- PL146.2 (portable)
- NE1AR, Milton, MA – 449.125- PL146.2 (Blue Hill) Day of week: Thursday
How often does the net meet? Weekly
Time Zone: Eastern
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 19:30
Net Time, UTC:
Net Manager: Bob Phinney, Secretary
Call Sign: K5TEC
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Sponsored by: Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society (STARS) and New England Amateur Radio (NE1AR)
Location (state) of Net Control: CA
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies:
N6NFI Repeater 145.230 MHz, negative offset, PL 100 Hz
Echolink nodes KR6DD-R (271122)
Day of week: Tuesday
How often does the net meet? Weekly
Time Zone: PST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 6:30pm
Net Time, UTC: Wednesday 2:30pm
Net Manager: Truman Lindsey
Call Sign: KM6AQS
Net Manager Email Address:
USA Radio Scouting Net, Texas+
Location (state) of Net Control: TX
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies::Echolink Conference *JOTA-365* Node 480809
Day of week: Thursday
How often does the net meet? 2nd Thursday of each month
Time Zone: Central
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 2200
Net Time, UTC: 0300 Friday
Net Manager: Chris Overbey
Call Sign: WA5DM
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Providing a forum for discussion of amateur radio and Scouting activities, including Jamboree on the AIr, Radio Merit Badge, camp amateur radio activations,etc.
Arizona Amateur Radio Association (AZARA) Youth Net+
Location (state) of Net Control: AZ
Net Coverage: Regional
Net Operating Frequencies: 147.060, + offset PL 203.5
Day of week: Sunday
How often does the net meet? This is a weekly youth net on Sundays at 6:00 pm before our local Desert Waves Amateur Radio Club net at 6:30 pm Arizona Time where our youth are invited to check in also.
Time Zone: Arizona
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): Arizona
Net Time, UTC: 18:00 UTC-7 hrs.
Net Manager: Dave Anderson
Call Sign: K1AN
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: This is a weekly youth net on Sundays at 6:00 pm before our local Desert Waves Amateur Radio Club net at 6:30 pm where our youth are invited to check in also. We have a daily chat at 6:00 pm to allow the youth to chat and practice talking on the air the other days of the week. The net serves western AZ and eastern CA.
Location (state) of Net Control: Missouril
Net Coverage: Regional
EchoLink Node: 657006 or N5XQK-R;
AllStar: 49562 & 49266;
DMR Brandmeister TG: 31686;
Claremore/Tulsa, OK: 147.090 + PL 88.5;
Branson, MO: 147.105 + PL 136.5, 224.100 - PL 162.2, 443.550 + PL 162.2;
Los Angeles, CA: 447.820 - PL 67.0;
Huntsville, AL: 444.750 + PL 131.8, 443.800 + PL 110.9, 145.330 - PL 100, 927.400 - PL 131.8;Day of the week: Sunday
How How often does the net meet?: Weekly
Time Zone: Central
Net time, local: 7:30pm
Net Manager: Caleb
Call Sign: KE0FOE
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Open to check-in's from anywhere.
More Information:
Crew2273 Weekly 2m (Echolink) Voice Net+
Location (state) of Net Control: MO
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: Locally in the Kansas City, MO area the net is called on 146.330Mhz. PL tone: 151.4Hz. Or you can join us on Echolink at KD0EAV-R
Day of week: Sunday
How often does the net meet?: Weekly
Time Zone: Central
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 6:45pm UTC
Net Manager: Keith Kaiser, WA0TJT
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Venture Crew 2273 in the Northern Lights District of the Heart Of America Council currently has members in 5 states (CA, KS, MO, ID, MT). We are sponsored by Kansas City Northland ARES.
Young Operators Digital Voice Net+
Location (state) of Net Control: OH
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: Digital Quadnet Net XRF757A, XLX307D, XLX049D Brandmeister Talkgroup 31012 YSF Room #37099
Day of week: Sunday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: EDT
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 7:00 PM to about 8:00 PM
Net Time, UTC: 23:00 PM UTC to about 24:00 PM UTC
Net Manager: Dan Edgington
Call Sign: N8YMD
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: This net is based on getting third party or licensed kids to check in and talk to others. Net control is 10 year old Danielle KE8JNU, Extra Class youngster. Although she likes to hear from kids, anyone is welcome!!
Location (state) of Net Control: WI
Net Coverage: Local
Net Operating Frequencies: 146.91 MHz - (127.3)
Day of week: Monday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: Central
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 6:30-7:30 pm
Net Time, UTC: 0030-0130
Net Manager: Etienne Robitaille
Call Sign: WI9EJR
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Weekly Milwaukee-area roundtable net that is run by kids, where under-18 licensed hams and third parties can meet and talk on the air. Net takes place on the Milwaukee Repeater Club (MRC91) repeater system.
Location (state) of Net Control: CA
Net Coverage: Local
Net Operating Frequencies: N6NFI Repeater 145.230 MHz, negative offset, PL 100 Hz, Accessible with Echolink nodes KR6DD and W6REK.
Day of week: Tuesday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly at 7:00 PM PST.
Time Zone: PST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 7:00 PM
Net Time, UTC: 0200z
Net Manager: Alexia Snethen, Joshua DeNeveu
Call Sign: KM6LGG
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Net control rotates on a weekly basis (KM6LGG one week, KM6JUP the next), so both operators are net control. Alexia Snethen is KM6LGG, Joshua DeNeveu is KM6JUPPanel Text
Location (state) of Net Control: OK
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: 14320,14275,14285,14330
Day of week: Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: CST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 7:00
Net Time, UTC: 0000
Net Manager: Matthew Sean Lewis
Call Sign: W5MSL
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: This Net is open to all amateur Radio Operators although especially we cater towards Youth Hams. This net strives for a safe space where Youth operators can ask questions and learn more about this great hobby.
Location (state) of Net Control: AZ
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: 449.325 -5.0 PL 100.0; EchoLink N2QOJ-R Node #185734
Day of week: Sunday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: Mountain
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 5 PM, 1700 Arizona Time
Net Time (UTC) 0115-0200
Net Manager: Landon Gale
Call Sign: AI7HE
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: The YACHT Conference EchoLink Node #954283 will be linked in when the net is in progress.
Location (state) of Net Control: OK
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: 7285, 7295, 7275. 7277
Day of week: Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: CST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 7:00 PM
Net Time, UTC: 0000 UTC
Net Manager: Matthew Lewis
Call Sign: W5MSL
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: This net strives for a safe space where Youth operators can ask questions and learn more about this great hobby!
Location (state) of Net Control: NY
Net Coverage: Local
Net Operating Frequencies:
- BEARS Linked Repeaters New York:
W2ABC (147.270 MHz, (+) PL 141.3) Upper West Side, Manhattan (NYC)*
K2JRC (443.700 MHz, (+) PL 127.3) Upper West Side, Manhattan (NYC)*
WB2ZZO (444.200 MHz, (+) PL 136.5) Alpine (Bergen Co.), NJ*
WA2DCI (446.325 MHz, (-) PL 127.3) Farmingville (Suffolk Co.), LI*
W2AMC (440.05 MHz, (+) PL 107.2) Greenport (Suffolk Co.), LI*
- New Jersey:
N2BEI (446.900 MHz, (-) PL 141.3) Newark (Essex Co.), NJ*
N2BEI (449.325 MHz, (-) PL 107.2) Hillsborough (Somerset Co.), NJ*
- Connecticut/Massachusetts:
WE1SPN (448.725 MHz, (-), PL 77.0) Bristol, CT*
W1MRA (145.430 MHz, (-), PL 146.2) Belmont (Greater Boston), MA*
- Washington, DC:
N3ADV (447.175 MHz, (-), PL 156.7) Washington, DC*
WA3KOK (449.975 MHz, (-), PL 107.2) Washington, DC*
- Orlando, Florida:
WD4WDW (DEARS – Disney Emergency Amateur Radio Service)
147.300 MHz, (+), PL 103.5*
444.000 MHz, (+), PL 103.5*
Day of week: Tuesday and Thursday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Bi-weekly on Tu and Th at 15:30L
Time Zone: Eastern
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 1530L
Net Time, UTC: 1930Z
Net Manager: John Hale
Call Sign: KD2LPM
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: About the NLI Student Traffic Net
The NLI Student Traffic Net (NLISTN) is a directed VHF net that meets every Tuesday and Thursday between 15:30 and 16:00 EST to handle formal National Traffic System (NTS) messages called "traffic" into, out of, and within the New York City and Long Island areas.
The NTS is an organized network of amateur radio operators for the purpose of relaying messages. The NTS is most useful during emergencies when telecommunications infrastructure such as cell phone and landline telephones are inoperative. The NLISTN is an officially recognized NTS net that is sponsored by The American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
Central Iowa Youth Amateurs Association Weekly Net+
Location (state) of Net Control: IA
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: Echolink: 710459, Allstar: 47282, 145.190
-0.6 MHz Offset, PL:114.8
Day of week: Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: CST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 20:00
Net Time, UTC: 02:00
Net Manager: James S Ray
Call Sign: K0NH
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: The purpose of this net is to provide a Saturday night ragchew for the youth amateurs of not only Iowa but from anywhere. Although this nets main point is to encourage youth amateur radio activity, anyone regardless of age is welcome to come check-in.
Location (state) of Net Control: NA
Net Coverage: Regional
Net Operating Frequencies: Echolink Primary
Echolink Backup (*DODROPN2*)--------605013 Echolink Third Backup (KG4DDI-L)------833006 AllStarLink / East Coast Node (North Carolina)---52879 AllStarLink / Midwest Node (Texas)-----52782 YSF (Reflector 83286)--00-DoDropIn HamShack Hotline-----94116 DMR (TGIF)---------------326
Day of week: Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly
Time Zone: EDT
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 4PM EDT (Summer)
Net Time, UTC: 20:00 UTC (Summer)
Net Manager: Collin Holdsworth
Call Sign: K0NNK
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: This net is run by a 12-year-old and can be connected via Echolink, YSF, TGIF, Allstar, and more! Be sure to join this awesome net! Questions or want to fill in for backup net control contact!
KN0BSA Mid America Council Radio Scouting Net+
Location (state) of Net Control: NE
Net Coverage: Local
Net Operating Frequencies: 147.39 +0.6MHz PL 131.8 Hz
Day of week: Wednesday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: weekly
Time Zone: CST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Net Time, UTC:
Net Manager: Ryan Ernest
Call Sign: KF0GVX
Net Manager Email Address:
Location (state) of Net Control: MI
Net Coverage: Regional
Net Operating Frequencies: W8IRA Linked Repeater System
EchoLink: W8IRA-R
AllStar: 472440
Day of week: Monday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Weekly on Monday @ 5:30pm
Time Zone: EST
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 17:30
Net Time, UTC: 22:30
Net Manager: Wes Bustraan
Call Sign: W8WJB
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: This net is primarily geared toward students, ranging from elementary to college-level, and will be oriented toward topics of interest to them.
Both licensed and non-licensed hams are welcome. In order to meet FCC legal requirements, any non-ham should check in as a “third party” check-in, and should use the call sign of the ham who is assisting them. Hams in other age groups will also have an opportunity to check in toward the end of the net.
Location (state) of Net Control: NA
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: DMR Brandmeister TG 96
Day of week: Friday and Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: The DMR Youth Net is on Friday and Saturday every week!
Time Zone: EDT
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 6:45 PM EDT
Net Time, UTC: 22:45 UTC (Summer)
Net Manager: Collin Holdsworth
Call Sign: K0NNK
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: Be sure to join the DMR Youth Net on Saturday
6:45 PM EDT (22:45 UTC) at DMR BM TG 96! Questions? email
Location (state) of Net Control: NA
Net Coverage: Wide Coverage
Net Operating Frequencies: 14.332 SSB
Day of week: Saturday
How often does the net meet? Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: weekends
Time Zone: North America
Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 1500z-200z
Net Time, UTC: 1500z-2000z
Net Manager: Lawrence Kaplan
Call Sign: AB3TY
Net Manager Email Address:
Additional description: I am President of the YLSystem. We have been on the air since 1963. Started by YLs, our group is now 99% OMs. We run on 14.332 seven days a week. On the weekends we run an abbreviated schedule. By convention, most amateurs know we occupy 14.332. I am looking for teenage operators to use the frequency on Saturdays and Sundays between the hours 1500z and 2000z. We can make them members, teach them how to use the online logging program Netlogger and make them control ops. We have scholarships available for them to apply. I have traded emails with Neil Rapp who said he would inquire among the teenagers in YOTA, but have not heard anything but crickets. Both YLs and OMs are equally invited.
We here the lament that the future of amateur radio is with the youth. I am offering but do not receive any help. Here is a link to out website
If interested please email me
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