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Youth Nets

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Looking for someone to talk to?  Find details about nets operated by and for youth. Click on the net name to open the window where you'll find details on operation.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to submit information about a youth net. If you need to modify an existing net, please email the details to EAD@ARRL.ORG

Youth Net Information

  • Y.A.C.H.T. (Young Amateurs Communications Ham Team), Michigan-

    Location (state) of Net Control: MI


    Net Coverage: Wide Coverage

    Net Operating Frequencies: Echolink conference node #954283. We also have an evening chat session Mon - Fri evenings at 7pm CST on our echolink node.  We are also linked to Meganets #637329 for all echolink activities and to the W8PIF-R #481872 for the Sat. youth net only.

    Day of week: Monday - Saturday

    How often does the net meet?  Does it meet weekly, monthly, continually, etc?: Our chat  session runs Mon-Fri at 7pm CST. The YACHT youth net is on Sat. 7pm CST

    Time Zone: Central

    Net Time, Local (local time at net control): 7pm CST

    Net Time, UTC: 0100 to 0200

    Net Manager: Ed Engleman

    Call Sign: KG8CX

    Net Manager Email Address:

    Additional description: We are dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of ham radio and related technology to youth throughout the U.S. and elsewhere.  We operate a Facebook page and a weekly newsletter in addition to our echolink activity.

  • Eastern Massachusetts Youth Net+

  • SBARA Youth Net, California+

  • USA Radio Scouting Net, Texas+

  • Arizona Amateur Radio Association (AZARA) Youth Net+

  • Skywarn Youth Net, Missouri+

  • Crew2273 Weekly 2m (Echolink) Voice Net+

  • Young Operators Digital Voice Net+

  • Kids' Corner+

  • SBARA Youth Net+

  • Youth HF Radio Net+

  • Central Arizona Youth Net +

  • Youth HF Ham Radio Net+

  • NLI Student NTS Traffic Net+

  • Central Iowa Youth Amateurs Association Weekly Net+

  • Digital Youth Net+

  • KN0BSA Mid America Council Radio Scouting Net+

  • W8IRA After School Net+

  • DMR Youth Net+

  • YLSystem Youth Diviison+

Add a Listing

Submit details about a Youth Net using this online form.

Net Coverage *

Choose one of the above

Include details. Examples: Single VHF/UHF net with offset and PL tone 146.94 Mhz - (107); Multiple VHF/UHF net with offset and PL tone 146.94 Mhz - (107), 147.00; Multiple net frequencies 7248, 3975 Khz

Please select the day(s) of the week that this net will be in operation.

List the time zone of the net control station above

Provide start and end time

Provide UTC start and end time if regional or wide coverage

Use this space to provide additional details about the net


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