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Common Concerns

Licensing Renewal, Changes of Address and other Common Concerns

From the QST Washington Mailbox column of September 2001, p. 89 (amended and updated October 2003)

  • What is ULS registration?-

    All stations must register under ULS in order to take advantage of FCC services, like renewing your license, changing your address, upgrading your license and so on. Registration in ULS is the process of identifying your Taxpayer Information Number, generally your Social Security Number, your name, address and call sign. The FCC will not process applications unless an amateur is registered. When you register, you will be given a Federal Registration Number under the Commission Registration System (CORES).

  • How can I check to see if I am not already registered?+

  • I registered manually under ULS. How do I specify a password so I can file on-line?+

  • What form(s) must I use when filing an application manually?+

  • What is the difference between the NCVEC Form 605 and the FCC Form 605?+

  • Several months ago, I received a letter from the FCC which gave me my Federal Registration Number related to CORES. What should I do with it? +

  • If applying manually, where do I send the form(s)? +

  • What else do I need to know about renewing my license or changing my address?+

  • How do I complete the NCVEC Form 605?+

  • How do I complete a FCC Form 605?+

  • I checked the status of my application on the FCC Web page at and found that it was "Pending Level 1." What does that mean? +

  • I sent the FCC in Gettysburg an FCC Form 605 and received a letter stating that my application was dismissed and that I was to "cease and desist" operations! All I wanted to do was renew my license!+

  • What is a "systematic" call sign change?+

  • I recently upgraded and received my license in the mail from the FCC, yet it carries the same renewal date as my other license. I thought that the FCC renewed licenses when any modification was made.+

  • I need to change the address on our club station license. How can I do that?+


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