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Every two years the Directors nominate and elect a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, an International Affairs Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Chief Executive Officer as officers who serve on the Board of Directors.

The President presides over all Board meetings and is the official spokesman of the Board regarding ARRL policy. When the President is unable to attend a Board meeting, the First Vice President presides over the meeting. The Secretary records the proceedings of Board meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee, and is responsible for maintaining the corporate status of the organization. The Treasurer, with the general supervision of the Board’s Administration and Finance Committee, is responsible for the investment of surplus funds of the League and has the authority to sign checks and other legal documents. The Vice President for International Affairs monitors the conduct of international liaison by ARRL staff and works closely with the International Amateur Radio Union. The Board employs a Chief Executive Officer who manages League affairs under the direction of the Board.

The Chief Financial Officer, who oversees any matters related to personnel policies, comptroller functions, purchasing, and administrative services and data processing, reports to the Chief Executive Officer.

ARRL Officers


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